They told me that I'm a princess.
I didn't believe them.
But my sisters did, after they were given enough time.
I'm still not convinced.
They can't steal my life from me.
They can't force something like a prophecy onto my shoulders.
They can't tell me that I have to rule an entire world.
I make my own decisions.
It's always been like that.
They can't do this.
It's just a dream.
It's all just a huge joke.
I'll wake up soon.
Life can go back to the way it was.
The way it should be.
I'm not a princess.
I never pretended to be.
I can't take this anymore.
Just let me wake up.
I'm not a princess.
Even if everyone tells me I am.
Even if I have to wear a dress every day.
Even if I have to make light talk to avoid a war.
Even if my best friends tell me otherwise.
Even if I develop super-natural powers.
I'm not a princess.
Never will be.
Never have been.
Will not be now.
I'm not a princess.
Why won't they believe me?


Dead and Dying (part 2)

I closed my eyes, waiting for the fatal moment. My one thought was "Clare's going to kill me."

The sound of steel meeting steel filled my ears. My eyes still closed, I heard more swordfighting, then the gasp of a dying man. It was only when I heard the thump that I dared to look.

There stood Cori, sword in hand, blood on the blade, Rumo (dead, might I add) at his boots. He gave a small smile. "Are you tired of almost being murdered at every step of the trail?" He offered me his hand. I took it gladly.


The other men had vanished, swallowed up by the night. It began to rain, a cold drizzle that soaked through our clothes and chilled us to the bone. Cori and I hurried away from the sputtering campfire and ran into the first tent we saw; mine, to be exact. There, we shivered and tried to figure out what to do next.

"Caiti, I-" Cori began.

"Wait. Do you hear a rustling sound?"


There was a wooshing sound, and something metallic shot through a hole in the tent fabric. In that instant, I knew that dart was filled with something poisonous, and it was aimed towards... well, guess.



But it never hit me. Cori lunged, and I heard a sickening thwup as it became buried in his arm. He grabbed the barrel and pulled it out, but the deed was done. Cori fell onto his side, gasping for breath.

Ok, so I panicked. I started yelling for help, trying to help Cori in any way I could.

The only thought going through my head?

Cori. Can't. Die.

People rushed in and moved him. I just sat there, unable to move, unable to think, as they took him to the medical tent.


The next morning found me pacing in front of the tent, waiting for them to let me in. Broyel had told me the night before that the dart had contained an unidentified venom, and Cori was fighting it ferociously.

Was that good?

I'd figure out soon.

One of the soldiers came out, looked at me sympathetically, and said "You can come in now."

I barged in there and stopped dead.

Cori was lying on a table, a big white bandage around his forearm. He looked pale, but when I came closer, he gave me a painful smile.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Are you... okay?"

"I'll survive. I think."

My eyes felt hot and prickly. "Don't say that. You'll be fine."

"I certainly hope so."


"Why did you do that?" I burst out. "Why'd you take that for me?"

He looked at me strangely. "I do what I have to. Not that I always like what I do, but I do it still."


"Why do you think?"

So there you have it. I'm not sure what's going through my head, and I don't want to know yet. I just know that he'll live, because he has to.