They told me that I'm a princess.
I didn't believe them.
But my sisters did, after they were given enough time.
I'm still not convinced.
They can't steal my life from me.
They can't force something like a prophecy onto my shoulders.
They can't tell me that I have to rule an entire world.
I make my own decisions.
It's always been like that.
They can't do this.
It's just a dream.
It's all just a huge joke.
I'll wake up soon.
Life can go back to the way it was.
The way it should be.
I'm not a princess.
I never pretended to be.
I can't take this anymore.
Just let me wake up.
I'm not a princess.
Even if everyone tells me I am.
Even if I have to wear a dress every day.
Even if I have to make light talk to avoid a war.
Even if my best friends tell me otherwise.
Even if I develop super-natural powers.
I'm not a princess.
Never will be.
Never have been.
Will not be now.
I'm not a princess.
Why won't they believe me?



I figured that if I was going to describe what happened (what's still happening), I might as well get started with the people involved.

<- That is Cori. Not really him, since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't fit in a leather journal, but the concept remains. Cole drew this for me. It's a pretty acurate depiction. Looking at Cole, you wouldn't think that he'd be artistic. But he's the only one who's good with a paintbrush in our group. He sketches all the time. He's really good. But, back to the original subject- Cori.

When I first saw him, he had arrived at the boarding school with his "brother", Ray. New kids. Easy targets for some of the mean kids. But these guys weren't to be messed with. When Mike (big, burly guy who's got bullying down to an art) walked up with the intent of slow and painful death, Ray pinned him onto the dust in a flash. They got left alone after that.

I heard the next bit of news from my sister, Clare, who's a dancer. Cori had joined one of her classes. And, although he claimed to have no previous lessons, he was breakdancing in no time. Clare told me this- "It was incredible. Simply incredible. I've never seen anyone dance that well. He was better than Kyle, and Kyle's been dancing since he was six!" This guy was strange, I knew.

When I finally looked at his face closely, I realized--- well, it's kind of hard to describe. He had these positively gorgeous gray eyes, and a winning smile. Perfect tan. Sandy, golden-brown hair. A pale scar across the left side of his jaw. This guy was good-looking. No doubt. He even talked cute- "Hello, Caitlyn, am I right? My name is Cori. I am most pleased to meet you." He had this accent that I couldn't place; like his words were formed slightly different. He had a sweet personality too. Strong, mostly silent, but passionate at the same time. Amazing.

I realize now that I was crushing on him. Hard. Who wouldn't? He had a bunch of girls following him around the campus! But he

Ul-thra attack.


I'm back, but I think I'll be stopping for now. Too tired to write. Almost too tired to sleep.
